Summer fun for children that won’t break the bank

The summer holidays are now upon us and children across the country will be clamouring for something to do. I know that the six long weeks of summer can be a challenge for parents trying to keep their offspring entertained without breaking the bank. Continue reading

We want EU citizens to Bremain

About 3.3 million EU citizens live in the UK. That’s a big number. But what is clear is that at every level and in every sector of our economy these citizens have been putting in a shift.

In Kensington and Chelsea, their contribution is huge: in our restaurants, our hotels, in our shops, hospitals and GP surgeries, and even here at the Council, we have been benefitting mightily from highly skilled EU workers. Continue reading

My response to a Crossrail 2 petition discussed at Council Meeting, Wednesday 29 June


We, the undersigned strongly object to and oppose the proposal to build a Crossrail 2 station at the Kings Road Station site. We already have excellent tube services and bus services serving Chelsea. The building of a main line train station and large retail development would destroy the special character of Chelsea.

Routing the line to avoid the diversion to Chelsea would save both over £1bn and longer journey times on Crossrail 2.  Full petition

Can I start by thanking Chris Lennon for his presentation and thank Councillors for their contributions.

Let me start by saying that I know proposals for a new station are controversial and I recognise the strength of feeling about it in Chelsea. Many residents have told me directly that they oppose a station and feel that it will damage the neighbourhood.

However, some of the information surrounding this project, especially in its early days was deeply misleading. Even the prayer of the petition before us tonight conveys inaccurate information. Let me quote: Continue reading